Is Botox considered plastic surgery?

Botox is an exotoxin obtained from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum under laboratory conditions and used in aesthetic medicine for the treatment of facial wrinkles and excessive sweating. Botox prevents the release of substances that provide conduction at the nerve endings. It acts by temporarily interrupting the electrical conduction between the nerves and their stimulated muscles or sweat glands. Botox only acts in the area where it is injected. It does not affect systemically all muscles.

It is mostly used to remove facial wrinkles and treat armpit sweats. It has both therapeutic and protective properties. Over the years, it allows the lines to be completely opened to the face, as well as the lines that have not yet settled on the face, but become apparent with repetitive muscle movements, improve without deepening. It also terminates excessive sweating with its blocking effect on sweat glands.

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

As the name implies, Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery interventions are basically grouped under two headings; “Plastic-reconstruction” and “aesthetic-cosmetic”. Plastic-reconstructive surgery; It is also called as reconstruction and repair surgery.

Aesthetic-Cosmetic includes the surgical or non-surgical interventions that aim to make the existing body appearance more beautiful and closer to perfection in aesthetic dimensions. Unlike reconstructive surgical procedures, these procedures are applied to patients other than patients with medical conditions such as severe loss of function or visual impairment.

Aesthetic nasal surgery (rhinoplasty), aesthetic breast surgery erecting, shrinking or enlarging, aesthetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), correction of scoop ears, facial rejuvenation attempts (face lift, forehead lift, eyebrow lift, neck lift) commonly applied surgical aesthetics examples of initiatives.

Reconstruction Surgery Takes More Than Aesthetics

Contrary to popular or popular beliefs, the “reconstruction” part of the branch covers a much wider range of operations than the aesthetic and cosmetic procedures. However, publications related to aesthetic surgery, both in social media and in print and visual media, affect public perception of the content of the branch. The branch is perceived as performing only the applications related to aesthetic surgery. In addition, the demand for cosmetic surgery is increasing day by day and the number of cosmetic surgery interventions is increasing.

Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery treats a wide spectrum of diseases. Skin cancers, burns, congenital abnormalities, treatment of facial-hand loss of shape and function, all aesthetic and cosmetic interventions cover the area of ??responsibility of this branch. In summary, many diseases and conditions in the human body, ranging from the hair on the head to the nails on the feet, are covered by the treatment of plastic surgery.

Is Botox a Plastic Surgery?

Botox and filling applications are non-surgical Aesthetic-Cosmetic procedures commonly performed by the branch. According to the American Board of Plastic Surgery, all skin rejuvenation procedures, including Botox, are considered under the umbrella of cosmetic surgery. However, the American Society of Plastic Surgery more specifically classifies it as a non-invasive cosmetic surgical procedure.


Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery departments of Acıbadem Hospitals Group perform operations to restore the form and function of body parts, in deformations which may be caused by accidents, diseases or congenital abnormalities.

Don’t waste your energy and your time by looking for different addresses for plastic surgery solutions. Consult GO2 for the best results. GO2 provides you with the opportunity of having a successful plastic surgery with its team members comprising of world class physicians.